Friday, February 25, 2005

(insert lame welcome title here)

Well I guess I should start off by saying hi to anyone who gives half a damn to read the blog of another "Joe Shmo". No bright colors and exciting stories here people, this blog is being sold "as is"... And no, I don't accept checks...

This blog is being created to express the way I'm feeling at a certain point in time, or to share an experience that I think is good enough to post about.

Right now, I've got a few hobbies (check the profile) and I have a decent array of skills in different fields, but I just feel like I'm missing something. There's nothing exactly wrong with me (physically atleast, mentally might be a different story according to friends :p ), but it just seems impossible to be satisfied... Therein lies humanities greatest strength and greatest flaw. To always strive to do more is the spark of innovation, but at the same time it never seems to be "good enough". People get bored with what they have and want to obtain or experience something new. They see someone else being happy with something and then want the same thing for their own happiness. I believe that is the cause of jealousy, we see someone being happy about something, and we want to share in the happiness too. The loophole to all this is to find someone who shares interests that make you happy and discover different ways to discover happiness together (two heads are better than one). Maybe that is why people search for a "significant other", it's another part of the never ending quest to become completely satisfied.

At this point in my life, I guess I'm looking for that certain someone that I could feel close to and settle down with... I don't like taking pity on myself, but I just wish I could catch a break...

NOTE: This post isn't a request for takers, just my way of expressing what I'm feeling right now.